Confronted with community concerns about blended learning? Heed these solutions.
September 10, 2019 |As a classroom teacher for eight years, I previously worked in three different schools with very different faculties, leadership teams, and student bodies. One similarity across all three schools was a hesitancy to adopt technology as a primary content delivery system. Although some members of the schools’ communities recognized the potential of blended learning to […]
Two ingredients of student-centered learning: a flexible environment and caring adults
September 6, 2019 |Research shows that relationships with caring adults can be a critical factor in a student’s success in school, especially in cases where students experience instability at home. Not only that, but growing data reveals that students need access to a whole web of support to facilitate their development academically as well as socially and emotionally. […]
For mastery-based approaches, consider a disruptive blended-learning model
September 4, 2019 |It often takes time for a school to change age-old instructional practices. To shift away from traditional seat-time learning and whole-class instruction, many schools start with hybrid blended-learning models, conduct small-scale pilots, or run years of professional development overhaul. In some schools that are relatively tiny (and new), however, educators are using their size and […]
Make P.E. great—for the first time?
August 30, 2019 |When I first began researching the field of online learning in K–12 education, I was surprised to learn that one of the most popular online offerings was physical education (P.E.). P.E.? How could that be done online? But when I stepped back and reflected, I remembered that for many middle and high schoolers, traditional P.E. […]
Back-to-school roundup: Top 5 blended topics of 2019 (so far)
August 13, 2019 |Back to school season is upon us. A bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils would be nice. A bunch of advice for sharpening your blended teaching might be even better. If you’re planning on practicing blended learning in the classroom this fall (or supporting colleagues through the process), you’re maybe looking to brush up on key […]
A “Modern” classroom model, designed by teachers, helps students stay engaged and connected
August 2, 2019 |As a K-12 researcher, I visit a fair number of classrooms. But rarely do I walk away as excited as I felt after visiting Kareem Farah’s classroom. A few years ago, Kareem and his colleague, Rob Barnett—both of whom were math teachers at Eastern High School in Washington DC—dramatically overhauled the conventional classroom model to […]